Small, simple,
cross-platform, free and fast
C++ XML Parser
This project started from my frustration that I could not find any simple,
portable XML Parser to use inside all my projects (for example, inside the award-winning TIMi software suite commercialized by
the TIMi company). Let's look at the well-known Xerces C++ library: The complete
Xerces project is 53 MB! (11 MB compressed in a zipfile). In 2003, I was developping
many small tools. I was using XML as standard for all my input/ouput configuration and data
files. The source code of my small tools was usually around 600KB. In
these conditions, don't you think that 53MB to be able to read an XML file is
a little bit "too much"? So I created my own XML parser. My XML parser
"library" is composed of only 2 files: a .cpp file and a .h file.
The total size is 149 KB.
Here is how it works: The XML parser loads a full XML file in memory, it parses
the file and it generates a tree structure representing the XML file. Of course,
you can also parse XML data that you have already stored yourself into a memory
buffer. Thereafter, you can easily "explore" the tree to get your
data. You can also modify the tree using "add" and "delete"
functions <
and regenerate a formatted XML string from a subtree. Memory management
is totally transparent through the use of smart pointers (in other words, you
will never have to do any new, delete, malloc or free)("Smart pointers"
are a primitive version of the garbage collector in Java).
UPDATE: Based on the expertise gained
during the development of this XML Parsing library,
I create a new, improved XML Parser: the Incredible XML Parser.
The Incredible XML Parser
has all the nice features from the library described on this page AND it's even faster,
more scalable, less memory-hungry and easier to use. To the best of my knowledge, the Incredible XML Parser
is the best "non-validating C++ XML parser" currently available 😄 (and by a large margin!).
You should definitively check it out!
Here are the characteristics of the (old) XMLparser library:
Non-validating XML parser written in standard C++ (DTD's or XSD's informations
are ignored).
Cross-plateform: the library is currently used every day on Solaris, Linux
(32bit and 64bit) and Windows to manipulate "small" PMML
documents (10 MB).
The library has been tested and is working flawlessly using the following
compilers: gcc (under linux, Mac OS X Tiger and under many unix flavours),
Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio .NET (under Windows 9x,NT,2000,XP,Vista,CE,mobile),
Intel C/C++ compiler, SUN CC compiler, C++ Borland Compiler. The library is
also used under Apple OS, iPhone/iPad OS, Amiga OS, QNX and under the Netburner plateform.
To the best of my knowledge, i think that all plateforms are now supported.
The parser builds a tree structure that you can "explore" easily
(DOM-type parser).
The parser can be used to generate XML strings from subtrees (it's called
rendering). You can also save subtrees directly to files (automatic "Byte
Order Mark"-BOM support).
Modification or "from scratch creation" of large XML tree structures
in memory using funtions like addChild,
It's SIMPLE: no need to learn how to use dozens of classes:
there is only one simple class: the 'XMLNode' class (that represents one node
of the XML tree).
Quite efficient (Efficiency is required to be able to handle BIG
files)...But my new XML Parser library (the Incredible XML Parser) is now several order of
magnitude faster:
- The string parser is quite efficient: It does only one
pass over the XML string to create the tree. It somewhat manages to minimize slightly the amount
of memory allocations required to build the structure of XMLNode's (the Incredible XML Parser does a
significantly better job regarding this specific point).
Inside Visual C++, the "debug
versions" of the memory allocation functions are very slow: Do not
forget to compile in "release mode" to get maximum speed.
- The "tree exploration" is very efficient because
all operations on the 'XMLNode' class are handled through references:
there are no memory copy, no memory allocation, never.
- The XML string rendering is very efficient: It does
one pass to compute the total memory size of the XML string and a second
pass to actually create the string. There is thus only one memory allocation
and no extra memory copy. Other libraries are slower because they are
using the string concatenation operator that requires many memory (re-)allocations
and memory copy.
Complete In-memory parsing (as are 99% of the Dom-Style XML Parsers).
- This is somewhat annoying when working on large
files because you need to load the complete file in memory before parsing it. My new XML Parser library
(the Incredible XML Parser) reads the file
progressively (chunk-by-chunk)(it's a stream-oriented parser) and thus avoid to load the complete file in memory.
The memory consumption of the Incredible XML Parser)
is thus several order of magnitude better (i.e. smaller).
Supports XML namespaces
Very small and totally stand-alone (not built on top of something else).
Uses only standard <stdio.h> library (and only for the 'fopen' and the
'fread' functions to load the XML file).
Easy to integrate into you own projects: it's only 2 files! The .h file
does not contain any implementation code. Compilation is thus very fast.
Robust (We are using it every day the since 2004 inside the TIMi company).
Optionnally, if you define the C++ prepocessor directives STRICT_PARSING and/or
APPROXIMATE_PARSING, the library can be "forgiving" in case of errors
inside the XML.
I have tried to respect the XML-specs given at:
Fully integrated error handling :
- The string parser gives you the precise position and
type of the error inside the XML string (if an error is detected).
- The library allows you to "explore" a part
of the tree that is missing. However data extracted from "missing
subtrees" will be NULL. This way, it's really easy to code "error
handling" procedures.
Thread-safe (more precisely: reentrant).
However there exists some global parameters (the "guessUnicodeChar" parameter,
the "character Encoding" parameter, and the "strictUTF8Parsing" parameter) that
you can't change because they are shared by all threads. My newest XML Parser library
(the Incredible XML Parser) is 100%
Full Native Supports for a wide range of Character Encodings: ANSI (legacy) /
UTF-8 / Shift-JIS / GB2312 / Big5 / GBK.
Under Windows,
Linux, Linux 64 bits & Solaris, we have additionnaly:
Unicode 16bit / Unicode 32bit widechar characters support that includes:
- For the unicode version of the library: Automatic conversion
to Unicode before parsing (if the input XML file is standard ansi 8bit
- For the ascii version of the library: Automatic conversion
to legacy or UTF-8 before parsing (if the input XML file is unicode 16 or 32bit
wide characters).
The XMLParser library is able to handle successfuly chinese, japanese, cyrilic and other extended
characters thanks to an extended UTF-8 encoding support, Shift-JIS (japanese) and to GB2312/Big5/GBK encoding support (chinese) (see this UTF-8-demo
that shows the characters available). If you are still experiencing character
encoding problems, I suggest you to convert your XML files to UTF-8 using
a tool like iconv
win32 binary).
Transparent memory management through the use of smart pointers.
Limited Support for character entities. The current known character entities
< |
< |
less than |
> |
> |
greater than |
& |
& |
ampersand |
' |
' |
apostrophe |
" |
" |
quotation mark |
K |
K |
direct access to the ascii code of any
(in hexadecimal) |
K |
K |
direct access to the ascii code of any
(in standard decimal) |
Support for a wide range of clearTags that are containing unformatted text:
<![CDATA[ ... ]]>,
<!-- ... -->, <PRE> ... </PRE>,
<!DOCTYPE ... >
Unformatted texts are not parsed by the library and can contain items that
are usually 'forbidden' in XML (for example: html code)
Support for inclusion of pure binary data (images, sounds,...) into the
XML document using the four provided ultrafast Base64 conversion functions.
Nice & Complete Doxygen documentation.
The library is under the Aladdin Free Public License(AFPL).
If you need another license,simply
(I don't want any money for the XMLParser).
Easy to customize: The code is small, commented and written in a plain and
simple way. Thus, if you really need to change something (but I doubt of it),
it's easy.
If you like this library, you can create a URL-Link towards this page from your
website (use this URL:
If you want to help other people to produce better softwares using XML technology, you
can increase the visibility of this library by adding a URL-link toward this
page (so that its google-ranking increases
If you like this library, please add
a message in the guestbook
Download here: small,
simple, multi-Plateform XMLParser library with examples (zipfile).
Inside the zip file, you will find 5 examples:
- ansi unix/solaris project example (makefile based)
- wide char unix/solaris project example (makefile based)
- ansi windows project example (for Visual Studio 6 and .NET)
- wide char windows project example (for Visual Studio 6 and .NET)
- ansi windows .dll project with a small test project to check the
generated .dll
If you have a Kindle, you might also be interested in KKCM: the Kranf Kindle Collection Manager.
Version changes:
- V1.00: February 20, 2002: initial version
- V1.20: July 22, 2006: After 13 minor changes, 2 major changes,
8 bug fixes and 23 functionality additions(at user's request), I decided to
switch to V2.01.
- V2.01 to v2.16: 2006: 1 major change, 7 minor changes, 14 additions and 6 bug fixes
- V2.17 to v2.33: 2007: 5 minor changes, 13 additions and 14 bug fixes
- added a Visual Studio projet file to build a DLL version
of the library.
Under Windows, when I have to debug a software that is using the XMLParser
Library, it's usually a nightmare because the library is sooOOOoooo slow
in debug mode. To solve this problem, during all the debugging session,
I use a very fast DLL version of the XMLParser Library (the DLL is compiled
in release mode). Using the DLL version of the XMLParser Library allows
me to have reasonable XML parsing speed, even in debug mode! Other than
that, the DLL version is useless: In the release version of my tool, I
always use the normal, ".cpp"-based, XMLParser Library.
Please note that my newest XML Parser library (the Incredible XML Parser)
is ultra fast, even in debug mode.
- V2.34 to v2.40: 2008: 5 minor changes, 11 additions and 5 bug fixes
- v2.41 to v2.41: 2009: 1 minor change
- v2.42 to 2.43: 2011: 4 minor changes and 1 bug fix
- v2.44: May 19, 2013: 1 minor change, 1 bug fix
- FIX: the "xmltol()" function now returns 64 bit integers instead of 32 bit integers.
- updated the documentation
A small tutorial
Let's assume that you want to parse the XML file "PMMLModel.xml"
that contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<PMML version="3.0"
xmlns:xsi="" >
<Header copyright="Frank Vanden Berghen">
Hello TIMi!
<Application name="<Condor>" version="1.99beta" />
<Extension name="keys"> <Key name="urn"> </Key> </Extension>
<DataField name="persfam" optype="continuous" dataType="double">
<Value value="9.900000e+001" property="missing" />
<DataField name="prov" optype="continuous" dataType="double" />
<DataField name="urb" optype="continuous" dataType="double" />
<DataField name="ses" optype="continuous" dataType="double" />
<RegressionModel functionName="regression" modelType="linearRegression">
<RegressionTable intercept="0.00796037">
<NumericPredictor name="persfam" coefficient="-0.00275951" />
<NumericPredictor name="prov" coefficient="0.000319433" />
<NumericPredictor name="ses" coefficient="-0.000454307" />
<NONNumericPredictor name="testXmlExample" />
Let's analyse line by line the following small example program:
#include <stdio.h> // to get "printf" function
#include <stdlib.h> // to get "free" function
#include "xmlParser.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// this open and parse the XML file:
XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::openFileHelper("PMMLModel.xml","PMML");
// this prints "<Condor>":
XMLNode xNode=xMainNode.getChildNode("Header");
printf("Application Name is: '%s'\n", xNode.getChildNode("Application").getAttribute("name"));
// this prints "Hello TIMi!":
printf("Text inside Header tag is :'%s'\n", xNode.getText());
// this gets the number of "NumericPredictor" tags:
int n=xNode.nChildNode("NumericPredictor");
// this prints the "coefficient" value for all the "NumericPredictor" tags:
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("coeff %i=%f\n",i+1,atof(xNode.getChildNode("NumericPredictor",i).getAttribute("coefficient")));
// this prints a formatted ouput based on the content of the first "Extension" tag of the XML file:
char *t=xMainNode.getChildNode("Extension").createXMLString(true);
return 0;
To manipulate the data contained inside the XML file, the first operation is to get an
instance of the class XMLNode that is representing the XML file in
memory. You can use:
XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::openFileHelper("PMMLModel.xml","PMML");
or, if you use the UNICODE windows version of the library:
XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::openFileHelper("PMMLModel.xml",_T("PMML"));
or, if the XML document is already in a memory buffer pointed by variable "char
*xmlDoc" :
XMLNode xMainNode=XMLNode::parseString(xmlDoc,"PMML");
This will create an object called xMainNode
that represents the first tag named PMML
found inside the XML document. This object is the top of tree structure representing
the XML file in memory. The following command creates a new object called xNode
that represents the "Header"
tag inside the "PMML"
XMLNode xNode=xMainNode.getChildNode("Header");
The following command prints on the screen "<Condor>"
(note that the "<"
character entity has been replaced by "<"):
printf("Application Name is: '%S'\n", xNode.getChildNode("Application").getAttribute("name"));
The following command prints on the screen "Hello TIMi!":
printf("Text inside Header tag is :'%s'\n", xNode.getText());
Let's assume you want to "go to"
the tag named "RegressionTable":
Note that the previous value of the object named xNode
has been "garbage collected" so that no memory leak occurs. If you
want to know how many tags named "NumericPredictor"
are contained inside the tag named "RegressionTable":
int n=xNode.nChildNode("NumericPredictor");
The variable n now
contains the value 3. If you want to print the value of the coefficient
attribute for all the NumericPredictor
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("coeff %i=%f\n",i+1,atof(xNode.getChildNode("NumericPredictor",i).getAttribute("coefficient")));
Or equivalently, but faster at runtime:
int iterator=0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("coeff %i=%f\n",i+1,atof(xNode.getChildNode("NumericPredictor",&iterator).getAttribute("coefficient")));
If you want to generate and print on the screen the following XML formatted
<Extension name="keys">
<Key name="urn" />
You can use:
char *t=xMainNode.getChildNode("Extension").createXMLString(true);
Note that you must free the memory yourself (using the "free(t);"
function) : only the XMLNode objects and their contents are "garbage collected".
The parameter true to
the function createXMLString
means that we want formatted output.
The XML Parser library contains many more other small usefull methods that are
not described here (The zip file contains some additional examples to explain
other functionalities and a complete Doxygen documentation about the XMParser.). These methods allows you to:
- navigate easily inside the structure of the XML document
- create, update & save your own XML structure of XMLNode's.
That's all folks! With this basic knowledge, you should be able to retreive easily
any data from any XML file!