(1) |
In general, if we are given a probability distribution then the Information conveyed by this distribution (also called the Entropy of P), is:
For example, if is
then is 1, if P is
then is 0.92, if P is then
is 0. [Note that the more uniform is the probability distribution,
the greater is its information.]
An other example: We want to known if a golfer will play or not based on the following data:
OUTLOOK | TEMPERATURE | HUMIDITY | WINDY | PLAY ===================================================== sunny | 85 | 85 | false | Don't Play sunny | 80 | 90 | true | Don't Play overcast| 83 | 78 | false | Play rain | 70 | 96 | false | Play rain | 68 | 80 | false | Play rain | 65 | 70 | true | Don't Play overcast| 64 | 65 | true | Play sunny | 72 | 95 | false | Don't Play sunny | 69 | 70 | false | Play rain | 75 | 80 | false | Play sunny | 75 | 70 | true | Play overcast| 72 | 90 | true | Play overcast| 81 | 75 | false | Play rain | 71 | 80 | true | Don't Play
We will build a classifier which, based on the features OUTLOOK, TEMPERATURE,
HUMIDITY and WINDY will predict wether or not the golfer will play. There
are 2 classes: (play) and (don't play). There are 14 examples. There are 5
examples which gives as result "don't play" and 9 examples which gives as
result "will play."
We will thus have
Consider a similar measurement after has been partitioned in accordance with the outcomes of a test on the feature X. (in the golfer example, X can be a test on OUTLOOK, TEMPERATURE, ...). The expected information requirement can be found as a weighted sum over the subsets:
In the case of our golfing example, for the attribute Outlook we have:
(5) |
Consider the quantity defined as:
(6) |
This represents the difference between the information needed to
identify an element of T and the information needed to identify an
element of T after the value of attribute X has been obtained,
that is, this is the gain in information due to attribute X.
In our golfing example, for the Outlook attribute the gain is:
(7) |
If we instead consider the attribute Windy, we find that
. Thus
OUTLOOK offers a greater informational gain than WINDY.
We can use this notion of gain to rank attributes and to build
decision trees where at each node is located the attribute with
greatest gain among the attributes not yet considered in the path
from the root.
In the Golfing example we will obtain the following decision tree:
Outlook / | \ / | \ overcast / |sunny \rain / | \ Play Humidity Windy / | | \ / | | \ <=75 / >75| true| \false / | | \ Play Don'tPlay Don'tPlay Play
The notion of Gain introduced earlier tends to favor test on features that have a large number of outcomes (when is big in equation 4). For example, if we have a feature that has a distinct value for each record, then is 0, thus is maximal. To compensate for this Quinlan suggests using the following ratio instead of Gain:
GainRatio(X,T) | (8) |
Consider the information content of a message that indicate not the class to which the case belongs, but the outcome of the test on feature . By analogy with equation 3, we have
(9) |
The is thus the proportion of information generated by the split that is useful for the classification.
In the case of our golfing example and .
We can use this notion of to rank attributes and to
build decision trees where at each node is located the attribute
with greatest among the attributes not yet considered
in the path from the root.
We can also deal with the case of features with continuous ranges.
Say that feature has a continuous range. We examine the values
for this features in the training set. Say they are, in increasing
. Then for each value
we partition the records into 2 sets : the first set
have the values up to and including and the second set
have the values greater than . For each of these
partitions we compute the
, and
choose the partition that maximizes the gain. If all features are
continuous, we will obtain a binary tree.
Pruning a tree is the action to replace a whole subtree by a leaf.
The replacement takes place if the expected error rate in the
subtree is greater than in the single leaf. We will start by
generating the whole (generally overfitted) classification tree
and simplify it using pruning just after.
The error estimates for leaves and subtrees are computed assuming
that they were used to classify a set of unseen cases of the same
size as the training set. So a leaf covering training cases
( of them incorrectly) with a predicted error rate of
(with : the binomial distribution, : the
Confidence Level) would give rise to a predicted
errors. Similarly, the number of predicted errors
associated with a (sub)tree is just
the sum the the predicted errors of its branches.
An example: Let's consider a dataset of 16 examples describing
toys. We want to know if the toy is fun or not.
COLOR | MAX NUMBER OF PLAYERS | FUN ===================================================== red | 2 | yes red | 3 | yes green | 2 | yes red | 2 | yes green | 2 | yes green | 4 | yes green | 2 | yes green | 1 | yes red | 2 | yes green | 2 | yes red | 1 | yes blue | 2 | no green | 2 | yes green | 1 | yes red | 3 | yes green | 1 | yesWe obtain the following classification tree:
Color / | \ / | \ pruning red / |green \blue =================> yes / | \ yes yes no (leaf1) (leaf2) (leaf3)
The predicted error rate for leaf 1 is
. The predicted error rate for leaf 2 is
. The predicted error rate for leaf 3
. The total number of
predicted error for this subtree is
. If the tree were replaced by the
simple leaf "Yes", the predicted error rate would have been:
. Since the simple
leaf has a lower predicted error (
), the tree is
pruned to a leaf.
The major limitation is that the feature space can only be partitioned
in boxes parallel to axes of the space. There is no problem in figure 1,
above. There will be bad classification accuracy in figure 2.
We can use many classifiers and make a vote to obtain the final
class of the examples we want to classify. How does it help? Let's
assume you have 10 decision trees
. You
want to make classification in 3 classes
. Let's
now assume that the first 4 trees
recognize and classify correctly class (they are specialized
for ). The other trees are specialized in other classes.
Let's now assume you want to classify a new example. This example
belongs to . The trees
will answer .
The other trees will gives random answer which will form some
"uniformly distributed noise" during the vote. The result of the
vote will thus be . We just realized an error
How to generate the 10 trees? We don't have to know what are the
specialty of each tree. We only have to build trees that have
various behavior. We will build the 10 different trees using the
algorithm previously described on 10 different sets of examples.
How do we generate these 10 sets of example? We will use only a
small part (called a bootstrap) of the full set of example (this
technique is called BAGGING). Each bootstrap (there are here 10)
will be build using random example taken from the full set of
example (random selection with duplication allowed). We will also
use a small subset of all the features available (this technique
is called FEATURE SELECTION). For each bootstrap, we will use
different randomly chosen features (random selection with
duplication forbidden). The combination of BAGGING
What's the optimal number of trees? Can we take the highest number
possible? no, because another phenomena will appear: the
OVERFITING. The classifier lose its generalization ability. It can
only classify the examples which were used to build it. It cannot
classify correctly unseen examples.
The implementation of the classification-tree algorithm I realized is only
able to classify continuous features. This means, that it
can only generate binary trees. We can still use the program with special
discrete features like MAX NUMBER OF PLAYERS=(1,2,3,4) in the toy
example above. We can use discrete features if they exhibit some ordering
property. This means that discrete features like COLOR=(red,green,blue)
are not allowed.
Bagging and Feature selection
The excellent book
of Quinlan.