Next: The bound .
Up: Unconstrained Optimization
Previous: About the choice of
The CONDOR unconstrained algorithm.
I strongly suggest the reader to read first the Section
2.4 which presents a global, simplified view of
the algorithm. Thereafter, I suggest to read this section,
disregarding the parallel extensions which are not useful to
understand the algorithm.
be the dimension of the search space.
be the objective function to minimize.
be the starting point of the algorithm.
be the initial and final value
of the global trust region radius.
, be the absolute and relative errors
on the evaluation of the objective function.
- Set
and generate a first
interpolation set
), using technique described in
section 3.4.5 and evaluate the objective function at
these points.
Parallel extension: do the
evaluations in parallel
in a cluster of computers
- Choose the index
of the best (lowest) point of the set

. Let
. Set
. Apply a translation of
to all the dataset
and generate the polynomial
of degree 2, which
intercepts all the points in the dataset (using the technique
described in Section 3.3.2 ).
- Parallel extension: Start the parallel process: make a
local copy
and use it to choose good
sampling site using Equation 3.38 on
- Parallel extension: Check the results of the
computation made by the parallel process. Update
using all
these evaluations. We will possibly have to update the index
of the best point in the dataset and
. Replace
with a fresh copy of
- Find the trust region step
, the solution of
subject to
, using the technique described in Chapter
In the constrained case, the trust region step
is the solution of:
(6.1) |
are the box constraints,
are the linear constraints and
are the non-linear
- If
, then break and
go to step 16: we need to be sure that the model is valid before
doing a step so small.
- Let
, the predicted
reduction of the objective function.
- Let
. If
, break and go to step
- Evaluate the objective function
at point
. The result of this evaluation is
stored in the variable
- Compute the agreement
and the model
(6.2) |
- Update the local trust region radius: change
(6.3) |
- Store
inside the interpolation dataset:
choose the point
to remove using technique of Section
3.4.3 and replace it by
using the
technique of Section 3.4.4. Let us define the
- Update the index
of the best point in the dataset. Set
- Update the value of
which is used during the check of
the validity of the polynomial around
(see Section
3.4.1 and more precisely Equation 3.34).
- If there was an improvement in the quality of the solution
OR if
OR if
then go
back to point 4.
- Parallel extension: same as point 4.
- We must now check the validity of our model using the
technique of Section 3.4.2. We will need, to check
this validity, a parameter
: see Section
6.1 to know how to compute it.
- Model is invalid: We will improve the quality of our
. We will remove the worst point
of the
dataset and replace it by a better point (we must also update the
value of
if a new function evaluation has been made). This
algorithm is described in Section 3.4.2. We will
possibly have to update the index
of the best point in the
dataset and
. Once this is finished, return to step 4.
- Model is valid If
return to step 4,
otherwise continue.
- If
, we have nearly finished the algorithm:
go to step 21, otherwise continue to the next step.
- Update of the global trust region radius.
(6.4) |
. Set
- Set
. Apply a
translation of
, to the set of Newton
which defines
(see Equation 3.26)
and to the whole dataset
. Go
back to step 4.
- The iteration are now complete but one more value of
may be required before termination. Indeed, we recall from step 6
and step 8 of the algorithm that the value of
has maybe not been computed. Compute
- if
, the solution of the optimization
problem is
and the value of
at this
point is
- if
, the solution of the optimization
problem is
and the value of
at this
point is
Notice the simplified nature of the trust-region update mechanism
(step 16). This is the formal consequence of the
observation that the trust-region radius should not be reduced if
the model has not been guaranteed to be valid in the trust region
Next: The bound .
Up: Unconstrained Optimization
Previous: About the choice of
Frank Vanden Berghen