CONDOR in the
industry: The method project
My work on optimization techniques for high computing load,
continuous function
without derivatives available is financed by the LTR European project METHOD
(METHOD stands for Achievement Of Maximum Efficiency For Process Centrifugal
Compressors THrough New Techniques Of Design). The goal of this project is to
optimize the shape of the blades inside a Centrifugal Compressor (see the two
illustrations below).

The shape of the blades is described by 25 parameters. The optimization algorithm
is the following:
- Based on the 25 parameters, generated a 3D grid. Use this grid to simulate
the flow of the gaz inside the turbine. Wait for stationnary conditions (often
compute during 1 hour). Extract from the simulation the outlet pressure, the
outlet velocy, the energy transmit to the gaz at stationnary conditions. Aggregate
all these indices in one general overall number representing the quality of
the turbine. We simply have an objective function which take as input a vector
of 25 parameters and gives as output the quality associated. We want to maximize
this function. All this part is done by the Energetics
Department "Sergio Stecco"
of the "Università degli Studi di Firenze"
- Based on the previous evaluation of the objective function, we must choose
a new shape to try. Since each evaluation of the objective function takes
more or less 1 hour, we must choose very carefully the next shape. See next
section for a deeper explanation. If the optimal shape has been found stop,
otherwise go to step 1.