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Newton's method for non-linear equations
We want to find the solution
of the set of non-linear
![$\displaystyle r(x)= \left[ \begin{array}{c} r_1(x) \\ \vdots \\
r_n(x) \end{array} \right] =0$](img1417.png) |
(13.31) |
The algorithm is the following:
- Choose
- Calculate a solution
to the Newton equation:
(13.32) |
We use a linear model to derive the Newton step (rather than a
quadratical model as in unconstrained optimization) because the
linear model normally as a solution and yields an algorithm with
fast convergence properties (Newton's method has superlinear
convergence when the Jacobian
is a continuous function and
local quadratical convergence when
is Liptschitz continous).
Newton's method for unconstrained optimization can be derived by
applying Equation 13.32 to the set of nonlinear
Frank Vanden Berghen